Province’s Elanor of Aragorn

aka Ellie

DOB: July 29, 2003

OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal
AVCO Eye Clearances and Optigen A by Lineage

CH Lobuff Bobwhite at Chucklebrook WC CH Borador’s By George CH Lenches Gallivant
CH Deer Runs Sweet Carmel Cream
CH Lobuff’s Turtle Dove CH Hirsipirtin Turtle at Lobuff
CH Curlee Hill Lobuff Seeonee
Otterbound Still Ruffin it CH Dickendall Ruffy SH Eng and Am CH Receiver of Cranspire
CH Moorhead Jewel
CH Tabatha’s Ebonetta CH Dickendall Arnold JH
CH Muskelunge’s Gunago Tigres JH

Thank you Beth and Rob!